April 19, 2020


To be alive is a complex situation. The people who simply exist have it easy. Why were you born? How does it feel to breathe? How does it feel to wake up every single day? The mornings, the night, the afternoons. To live, to enjoy life, to see, to hear, to taste, to touch, to get out of bed, to be able to watch the rain, and listen to the birds. To being alive. Are you only alive when you feel happy. Because I feel most alive when I’m sad. Well.. not really. I feel everything, most emotions. And when i feel them they are profound. I try to feel alive every single day, I do things that make feel alive every single day. I laugh, I argue, I cry, (okay more like every two weeks for the crying), I dance, I sing, I play with my dog, I write, I learn, I speak french, I try to make this existance a wonderful thing. 

Me deleito en vivir, me deleito en saber que todos los dias los he aprovechado, los he escudriƱado. Que he hecho todo lo posible para vivir y no tan solo existir. Soy agradecida de ser viviente, de tener luz, de tener paz, de tener felicidad, las cosas que no se pueden ver pero se sienten a lo profundo. Doy gracias por esta vida. Por vivir. Gracias. 

To love sunsets. Enjoy walks. Wash the hours away with a book. What do you do that makes you feel alive? Do you even feel? Its wonderful to live, breathe, paint, run, laugh, have a family. you know how it feels to wake up healthy every day. savor, while you can. bc many cannot. Many are destined to live in a hospital, while you have the luxury to buy groceries and travel the world. it is a pleasure to be alive, it is a gift. So do that thing you have been meaning to do. Make that call you have been meaning to make. Or start that company you have been meaning to start. Everything is possible if you take advantage of time while you still have it. Time is not in our favor. Don’t wait till later, till tomorrow, do it now. 

You don’t know how lucky you are. how privileged you are. how amazing your life is. little things that bother you are a waste of time. I know we are human and cannot handle our emotions or dim down our anger at times, and that is okay. but 

to make anger or sadness more than an occassional visitor, to make anger and sadness a natural, reocurring behavior... is sick. life is not meant to be handled hating everything, not loving yourself. You have so much more than what you consider, you are physically complete with a brain and a heart. what is wrong? your mental? are you working on your mind, your emotions, your thoughts? physically, mentally, emotionally, financially. are you working at all? or are you distracted by outside forces? are you grateful to even be able to work? there are people who can’t and wish they could. you’re not grateful for having a full body, to naturally function, to have a bed, to have a home, to have food, to have clean water, to have shoes, to have clothes, to have a toothbrush, to have socks, to have a roof over your head, and an overabundance of everything? so you’re telling me you’re aware of all you have and you still suffer? 

: eyes, mouth, teeth, eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, ears, a neck, a jaw, a nose, lips, a tongue, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, breasts, a heart, torso, members, a butt, thighs, knees, elbows, muscles, ligaments, ankles, feet, toes.

And what if all of it was gone in a blink of an eye? what if the apocalypse changed everything forever? would you appreciate it then? would you miss it? of course, you would. that’s why being grateful everyday for the life you are gifted is the most crucial, vital, necessary thing. thing. grateful everyday. it could all be gone in a second. 

life is about cherishing the present and executing. take advantage of life. live. while you can. 

are you gratefull at all?

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