February 29, 2020

Gadgets & Gizmos

In essence, the short film would take place in the 70s or 80s (I'M NOT SURE YET OKAY?) so of course the mise-en-scene would resemble the time period. Giving that some shots will be taken outside in the world and others inside my home, the content shown will either be hitting precisely on the characters or highly manipulated.

In other words, when I'm recording outside I will not be able to show most cars since they are not from the 70s/80s as well as when I'm filming in my house I would have to manipulate my room in a short-term, feasible way so it resembles the youngsters rooms of that era.

That would mean amping the space with:
- posters from 70s artists
- vinyls & player
- funky mirror

As for the outside world, I don't think it will be that hard since there are not many places I will be filming in that require much view of cars, people, or buildings (ajajaj that sounds pretty bad). But in all seriousness what will be shown from the outside world will have to be shot in places that are age-resistant, as in places reminiscent of the 70s vibe.
- music shops
- ice skate rinks
- colorful small houses (by the beach)

The Beginning of the End

I'm back and better than ever! For this next film (portfolio project for A level Media), I have a very detailed idea that has been inspired by film, genre, and artists with a vintage style. This past weekend I watched both volumes of Kill Bill and the series and in all honesty it MOVED MY WORLD. I didn't know how inspired and creative one could feel after experiencing something so inspiring and creative.

Many important factors considered from Kill Bill series:
- mise-en-scene
- font type (for credits & title) 
- dialogue (or lack there of)
- multiple shot angles
- lighting / colors

The short film story has nothing to do with Quentin Tarantino's gory plots, but the creative essence is one in the same. With anything that I do, whether it be covers of songs, paintings, or photography I love to incorporate a hint of something that is barely considered (I can't say "never been considered" because there are too many people in this world for something to have never been done before). My piece is about: 4 youngsters that are destined to create one of the most iconic bands in the history of the world.

